updater4pyi.upd_downloader module

Utilities to download files over secure HTTPS connections, with server certificate verification.

See Validate SSL certificates with Python and and this solution on Stack Overflow.

class updater4pyi.upd_downloader.ValidHTTPSConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: httplib.HTTPConnection

HTTPS connection based on httplib.HTTPConnection, with complete certificate validation based on known root certificates packaged with the program.

The root certificate file is given in the module-level variable CERT_FILE. Note you may use util.resource_path() to get a file in the pyinstaller bundle.


Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port.

default_port = 443
class updater4pyi.upd_downloader.ValidHTTPSHandler(debuglevel=0)[source]

Bases: urllib2.HTTPSHandler

A HTTPS urllib2 handler using ValidHttpsConnection, i.e. with correct server certificate validation.

updater4pyi.upd_downloader.url_opener = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>

The URL opener obtained with urllib2.build_opener, with valid HTTPS server certificate validation.