Quick Start

Simple example: say you want to add an auto-update feature to your python/PyQt4 program, hosted on github. Add the following lines into your python program:

from updater4pyi import upd_source, upd_core
from updater4pyi.upd_iface_pyqt4 import UpdatePyQt4Interface

swu_source = upd_source.UpdateGithubReleasesSource('githubusername/githubproject')
swu_updater = upd_core.Updater(current_version=...,
swu_interface = UpdatePyQt4Interface(swu_updater,
                                     progname='Your Project Name',

You should also add the hook hook-updater4pyi.py into your PyInstaller hooks path (presumably into your custom hooks). Then your PyInstaller-packaged program will ask the user if they agree to auto-update, then regularly check for updates and ask to install them. You may need to fiddle a bit with the naming patterns of your releases (specify a second argument to the UpdateGithubReleasesSource constructor).

The library is designed to be highly flexible. It should be easy to write update sources for any other type of sources, such as XML application feeds etc. Likewise, the library does not rely on PyQt4 (it just provides a convenient interface for those PyQt4 apps). It should be simple to write an interface in whater Gui toolkit you prefer–see upd_iface.UpdateGenericGuiInterface.

Structure of Updater4pyi

  • the core upd_core.Updater class takes care of actually checking and installing updates.
  • a upd_iface.UpdateInterface subclass takes care of interacting with the user and scheduling checks for available updates. See upd_iface_pyqt4.UpdatePyQt4Interface for example.
  • an upd_source.UpdateSource subclass is configured to know where and how to query for available updates. See upd_source.UpdateGithubReleasesSource for example.